Karrasegare Osinku
February 24 March 12, 2011
The traditions and popular culture Bosa, both civil and religious, offer visitors moments of great charm. The first event of the year is the Carnival characterized by satire and grotesque taste that attracts many curious visitors.
The Carnival here, as in many other places of Sardinia, is very sensitive , involves the whole community and retains the character of party spontaneous unorganized.
The festivities begin a week before Carnival Thursday, when bright begging groups are roaming the streets of the old singing satirical songs in exchange for gifts and food.
But the party comes alive in the last four days that protagonists two forms: "s'attitadora", a kind of mourner dressed in mourning, who sings dirges in the morning argument with satirical and explicit sexual innuendo, and "giolzi", coming in at night and running from the scene side to side capture the audience and other ritually Giolzi and illuminate their genitals with allusive phrases.
Carnival Bosa is undoubtedly one of the most exciting festivals , hilarious and transgressive of Sardinia.
masks traditional
S'attitadora " represents" s'attitidu ( dirge ). A woman dressed in mourning simulates a lament funeral, spiced with satire and clear sexual innuendo, which is the request of a "drop of milk" (unu ticchirigheddu 'and milk ") for the doll that brings with it, or the daughter, who, neglected by his mother during the night of carnival revelry, he needs to suck . | |
The doll is also the pretext for the construction of sexual allegories with the performance of grotesque genital organs with improvised forms of bread, fruit and vegetables (particularly "s'aligalza" a big turnip that is carved according to the imagination of the exhibits). | |
To make the mask is worn by a widow traditional clothing: black skirt and shawl and scarf strictly blacks. The is face blackened with soot cork. | |
Gioldzi " is the mask of darkness . At sunset the Gioldzi wear white with a sheet to coat and hat for a pillow. The masks are chase shouting "Gioldzi! Gioldzi!" to capture the audience and the other Giolzi that are lit with streetlights (sas pischeddas ") as if searching for something hidden under the skirts : in this case the writer has clear sexual innuendo . | |
end of the carnival is marked by numerous night bonfires on which they burn puppets.
program Bosa Carnival 2011
town of Bosa, Corso Garibaldi, 12 368 000 368 033 +390785
Carrasegare Osinku
Association c / o Giuseppe Pinna
viale Giovanni XXIII, Bosa
tel. 338 6381940
Tourist Association Pro Loco Melkiorre Melis
via Azuni 5, 0785 376 107 Bosa
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